Chaddesden Park Primary School

Carson Road, Chaddesden, Derby, DE21 6JW

        Tel: 01332 662115

Ready. Respectful. Safe.

This welcome comes from everyone who is here at our school to care for your children. Together we believe in providing a happy, secure and caring school. We work hard to provide the best possible education for every child here at Chaddesden Park Primary School. We consider that the education of your child is a partnership and we seek your support in all that we do in school. We recognise the great trust you place in us by choosing to send your child to our school and we want to work closely together.

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils to be confident, happy learners.

If you need to report any safeguarding concerns please email


Gem Radio Silent Disco - January 2024

About Us

“Our vision” developed by staff, parents and pupils of Chaddesden Park Primary School.

Our journey towards an ACE aware Trauma informed school and community

Click the image below to view our presentation.


Mrs H Kirkup

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs S Redfern




Mrs L Hames

School Office Manager

Mrs J Gallagher

Learning Mentors

Miss H Bennett
Mrs S Fitzhugh
Mrs T Heap


Mrs E AtkinMrs N Dale
Mrs M HalfordMrs L Hames
Miss S HarbonMrs S Haslam
Miss N KellyMrs K Malcolm
Miss K GreenMrs S Redfern
Mr B RowlandMiss S Simpson
Mrs H SummerfieldMiss M Frost
Miss O Troy

Learning Support Assistants

Miss E SwiftMrs D Drapala
Mrs R ButterfieldMiss S Evans
Mrs K SmithMrs K Walker
Mrs D MellorMiss H Millward
Mrs T SharrattMrs L Ward

Midday Play Leaders

Mrs K CudworthMiss L Hawksworth
Mrs T WalkerMiss W Smith


Mr S Durham 


Mrs D HarrisonMrs D Mellor
 Miss H MillwardMrs L Sharpe


Miss C Page 

Kitchen Assistants

Mrs J SimpsonMrs S Paginton
We are currently updating this section of the website.

You can view and download all documents relating to our school champions here

School Information

You can find and download digital copies of our recent newsletters here.

Chaddesden Park Primary School is part of the Learners’ Trust MAT. We continue to follow the Derby City Council  Admissions Policy and Guidelines. Please contact the local authority to find out about our admissions arrangements.

What time does school start?

Nursery sessions are from 8.45am – 11.45am (15 hours per week)

All day sessions from 9.00am – 3.00pm (30 hours per week)

Key Stage 1

School starts at 8.45am (Tennessee Road Gate)

Lunchtime is from 12.00 – I.00pm

School closes at 3.15pm

(Total 32.5 hours per week)

Key Stage 2

School starts at 8.45am (Carson Road Gate)

Lunchtime is from 12.15 – 1.15pm

School closes at 3.15pm

(Total 32.5 hours per week)

Key Stage 1 children should enter the school gate on Tennessee Road at 8.45am and make their way to their classrooms to start their morning learning. Staff are positioned on the way in to direct and help. 

Key Stage 2 children should enter the school gate on Carson Road at 8.45am and make their way to their classrooms via their normal entrance into school to start their learning activities. Staff are positioned on the way to direct and help.

At the end of the day, Key Stage 1 children will leave school by their own classroom exit and we ask that parents/carers make sure that they pick their children up from their classroom. It is not appropriate for KSI children to leave the building unaccompanied. It is important that you collect your child on time and let us know if you are delayed for any reason. Please also inform school staff if someone different will be picking your child up. Staff will not let children go with unknown adults for safety reasons.

The Key Stage 2 children will leave school from the children’s entrance. at the rear of the school and will wait on the KS2 playground to be collected by parents/carers.

Children are asked not to leave the school premises if there is no-one there to collect them and they will be looked after in school until you arrive, if ever you are late.

School Gate Closure

For safety reasons the school gates are closed to vehicles between 8.45 – 9.00am and again between 3.10 – 3.30pm.

If your child arrives after 9.15am, they will need to be signed in at the school office at the entrance on Carson Road.

Chaddesden Park Primary have been awarded funding from the National Lottery to develop and community space and provide a range of personal development opportunities. The variety of enrichment and skills workshops will help improve confidence, self-esteem and raise aspirations. Activities will include first aid training, digital skills, physical fitness, creative arts and holiday camps.

First Friends operate at Chaddesden Park Primary School and provide a safe and caring environment for children, where they can play, meet friends, develop new skills and relax while school is closed. The children all have access to a varied assortment of resources, including arts & crafts, computers, games, puzzles, books and toys. There are also many opportunities for them to explore and play outdoors.

At all times children are encouraged to develop their independence and build on their own personal, social and emotional skills, including serving themselves healthy snacks and meals, taking responsibility for their own personal hygiene, understanding appropriate behaviour while playing in a group or alone and building confidence by taking on new challenges, including supervised risk taking.

All staff are DBS checked and trained to work in partnership with the children, parents/carers, schools and outside organisations to ensure the children feel safe, happy and comfortable within the setting. They are an inclusive setting and welcome children with additional needs and languages and support will always be offered to ensure all children have the opportunity to grow both physically and emotionally during their time with us. All the settings are directly responsible to Ofsted who check our provision to ensure our quality of care remains at the highest level. You can use 30 hour funding/or part of, and you can also use the government voucher scheme for payment.

For more information please take a look on the First Friends website.

Our commitment to Safeguarding


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All Staff are employed subject to a DBS check and undergo Safeguarding training prior to starting their role. There is annual Safeguarding training for all staff.

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm – safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment – and that we all feel safe in our environment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Safeguarding section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s welfare, they will record their concern, and any observations or conversation heard using our secure online system CPOMS. The concern will also be reported to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day.

If a member of staff has concerns which relate to the actions or behaviour of another member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then this will be reported to one of the DSLs or Headteacher in confidence. If the concern relates to the headteacher this will be reported to the Trust. Concerns regarding members of staff may be reported to the LADO.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our school please talk to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead s (DSLs) shared below.

As a result of internal audit and DfE recommendations, the school has directly adopted the LA Safeguarding policy and any school specific information is contained within the safeguarding poster below.


Safeguarding Policies and Documents.

If you need to report any safeguarding concerns please email 

School Curriculum and Standards

Community Health and Fitness Activities

We are proud to offer an amazing opportunity that will bring fitness classes directly to your home, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund.

At the click of a button you will have access to a wide variety of fun exercise workouts, suitable for the whole family and for all abilities. Whether you’re at school, in your living room or at the local park this is a great and inclusive way to be active together.

Simply click on this link and enter the password “pk” to access the brilliant range of activities.

LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND LOGO - Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

Our school’s latest progress and attainment figures can be found on the Department for Education’s website.

Please note: The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


 ** You can request a printed copy of any of the above free of charge. **

Contact Details

Chaddesden Park Primary School, Carson Road, Chaddesden, Derby, DE21 6JW

Tel: 01332 662115

For all school enquiries please contact Mrs Joyce Gallagher using the email address above.

If you wish to contact our Headteacher, Mrs Smith, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

Out of School Hours: If you need to report any safeguarding concerns please email

If you wish to contact our SENDCo, Mrs Hames, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to make a complaint please contact the school office in the first instance.

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