Walton Holymoorside Primary

Holymoor Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield, S42 7DU

        Tel: 01246 566502

Email: WHPAdmin@learnerstrust.org

Walton Holymoorside Primary School is a warm, friendly school where every child is encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential. Our school vision is ‘Welcoming, Helping, Progressing and Smiling’. Each section of this vision is further broken down into curriculum divers for our school. Our curriculum drivers are enriching golden threads, evident throughout our curriculum. Further information about our drivers can be found on the ‘Vision, Aims and Values’ section of the website.

The school has a purpose-built nursery which adjoins the main building and twelve well-equipped classrooms. Outside the classroom, the grounds are spacious and attractive comprising: playgrounds, playing fields, a pond and a nature reserve. In the playground, a climbing wall and trim trail encourage active playtimes and our fantastic ‘forest school’ is situated on site.

Our school is a proud member of The Learners’ Trust multi-academy trust and is very well supported by a skilled and caring Local Board of School Champions, who support and challenge every aspect of school life.

At Walton Holymoorside, we aim to work in partnership with parents to achieve the best outcomes for every child and ensure that children are exceptionally well-prepared for the next stage of their education and life beyond school.


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About Us

Welcoming, Helping, Progressing, Smiling


Walton Holymoorside Primary School aims to provide every child with an excellent educational experience, which is enjoyable, stimulating and enables them to reach their full potential. Underpinning all this is our vision of ‘Welcoming, Helping, Progressing, Smiling’.


Our vision is broken down into our curriculum drivers.

Within Welcoming, we aim to celebrate diversity to ensure our children leave us with an appreciation for the diverse world they live in.

Within Helping, we aim to ensure pupils are equipped to take care of their emotional and physical wellbeing.

Within Progressing, we aim to provide children with the skills they need to develop their independence.

Within Smiling, we aim to enable our children to have good skills of communication and conflict resolution to help them succeed at school and beyond.

Our drivers act as golden threads throughout our curriculum, underpinning everything we do to ensure children can achieve great success.

Through our behaviour values of ‘Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Readiness’ it is our aim for all children to leave Walton Holymoorside Primary School as enthusiastic learners with great self-belief and respect for others. We want all our children to be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for an ever-changing , exciting future..


We promote an ethos of respect and empathy, where diversity is valued and celebrated – both within school and the wider world. Safeguarding and welfare is paramount and pupils are taught British Values, the virtues of kindness, appreciation and what it means to be courageous. We foster open and honest communication with parents, carers and specialists and actively seek to engage with all members of the community in a positive and supportive manner.

You can find all our documents regarding our visions, aims, and values here

Trust Partner: Jonathan Brookes

Headteacher: Ian Holmes

Deputy Headteacher: Connor Macnamara

Chair: Jay Price (SEN/PP Champion)

Vice Chair: Shirley Smith (Reading Champion)


Louise Sissons (Safeguarding Champion)

Rebecca Priest (Health & Safety Champion)

Ros Griffin (Curriculum Champion)

Rachel Sharp (SEN/PP Champion)

Alex Fowkes (Staff Champion)

Clerk: Emma Kealey

Linked Trustees:

Sarah Kench

Jemma Monkhouse

Monica Lewins

Ian Levers

You can view and download all documents relating to our school champions here

School Information

You can keep up to date with what’s going on in our classes by following them on Twitter!

Little Owls (Nursery)Wrens (Reception)Robins (Reception)
Swallows (Y1)Kingfisher (Y1/2)Woodpeckers (Y2)
Harriers (Y3)Finches (Y3/4)Larks (Y4)
Mallards (Y5)Falcons (Y5)Hawks (Y6)
Eagles (Y6)



We believe the ideas and opinions of students here at Walton Holymoorside Primary School are paramount to the school’s success. The school facilitates the following groups-

  • An active School Council who meet regularly.
  • An Eco Committee who you can find out more about on Twitter- @WHPEco
  • Play leaders, Mini Leaders and Young Bronze Ambassadors to ensure we all stay fit and healthy.
  • Reading Ambassadors who promote a love for reading up and down school.
  • iVengers who meet regularly to support the school with Online Safety

At Walton Holymoorside Primary and Nursery School, we are committed to the continual development of our Forest School provision. We offer a commitment to every child, that they will have the opportunity, during their time with us, to a termly block of sessions within our beautiful woodland area. Forest School offers children learning opportunities that are not available within classrooms. Research has shown that it develops essential life-long transferable skills that have positive benefits on children’s emotional, social, mental and physical well-being.  

Forest School promotes the development of the whole child and allows children to develop a love and respect for the natural world. Children will learn to initiate their own learning, under the supervision of a qualified Forest School Leader who will offer opportunities to engage in exciting activities. Our Forest School program is progressive and each year the children will learn to build upon their previous learning to develop their skills and knowledge.  

Children will visit our woodland site throughout the year and- during the session- they will play games and explore. They will be offered the opportunity to take part in activities such as den building, fire lighting, outside cooking, undertake bush crafts and learn to use tools safely. These activities will often involve working together in pairs or small groups. Children will also be involved in caring for the woodland and also managing it so it continues to grow and flourish.  

‘Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiencing the environment’

– Maria Montessori. 

Overview of mathematics guidance for Key Stages 1 and 2

Staff Training Days 2023/2024 – School closed to pupils

  • Monday 4th September 2023
  • Tuesday 5th September 2023
  • Friday 29th September 2023
  • Friday 22nd December 2023
  • Friday 16th February 2024
  • Monday 3rd June 2024

2024/25 Inset Days

Wednesday 4th September 2024 – INSET  (Term starts Thursday 5th September)

TBC September / October 2024 – Trust INSET

Friday 14th February 2025 – INSET

Monday 2nd June 2025 – INSET

Thursday 24th July 2025 – INSET

Friday 25th October 2025 – INSET

Term Dates

Walton Holymoorside follows Derbyshire County Council’s terms dates and you can download our year calendars below:

Download 2023/24 School Term Dates

Download 2024/25 School Term Dates

Walton Holymoorside Primary School is part of the Learners’ Trust MAT. We continue to follow the Derbyshire Admissions Policy and Guidelines. Please contact the local authority to find out about our admissions arrangements.

Local authority website, or call 01629 537479.
Local authority’s admissions criteria

Walton Holymoorside Nursery Admissions Guide

You can download our Nursery Prospectus here.

Doors Open (morning drop off): 8.30am-8.40am
Morning Session Ends11.30am
Lunch Club: 11.30am – 12.15am
Afternoon session drop off 12.15pm – 12.25pm
Afternoon sessions Ends 3.15pm
Main School

Doors Open8.30am 

Morning Register8.45am 

School Day Ends3.15pm

School Week 33.75 Hours

Our commitment to Safeguarding


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All Staff are employed subject to a DBS check and undergo Safeguarding training prior to starting their role. There is annual Safeguarding training for all staff.

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm – safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment – and that we all feel safe in our environment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Safeguarding section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s welfare, they will record their concern, and any observations or conversation heard using our secure online system CPOMS. The concern will also be reported to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day.

If a member of staff has concerns which relate to the actions or behaviour of another member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then this will be reported to one of the DSLs in confidence, who will refer the matter to the Headteacher (or the Trust if the concern relates to the Headteacher) who will consider what action to take.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our school please talk to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead s (DSLs) shared below.

As a result of internal audit and DfE recommendations, the school has directly adopted the LA Safeguarding policy and any school specific information is contained within the safeguarding poster below.

Additional Safeguarding Policies

Keeping Children Safe in Education

School Curriculum and Standards

We are proud to offer an amazing opportunity that will bring fitness classes directly to your home, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund.

At the click of a button you will have access to a wide variety of fun exercise workouts, suitable for the whole family and for all abilities. Whether you’re at school, in your living room or at the local park this is a great and inclusive way to be active together.

Simply click on this link and enter the password “pk” to access the brilliant range of activities.

LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND LOGO - Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Policy

Our SENDCo is Mr Macnamara, please contact him via the school office regarding any SEND related questions.

EYFS Good Level of Development: 78%
Y1 Phonics Screening Check Pass Rate: 93%
Y2 Cumulative Phonics Screening Check Pass Rate: 96%
KS1 Outcomes 2023

Subject     At expected level           Above expected level

Reading           67%                  33%
Writing           72%                  28%
Grammar        72%                 28%
Maths            78%                 39%
KS2 SATS Results 2023
Subject     At expected level           Above expected level
Reading           87%                  43%
Writing           87%                  11%
Grammar        87%                 35%
Maths            85%               35%

Our school’s latest progress and attainment figures can be found on the Department for Education’s website. 

Please note: The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


  • Leprechauns 7.30am- 8.30am, 3.15pm- 6.00pm daily. 

Enhanced (all clubs once per week) 

  • Year-round- Judo (KS2), Forest School (KS1 and KS2) 
  • Autumn 1: KS1- Gymnastics, Multi-Sports, Arts and Crafts, Football. KS2- Jumping Clay, Band Development, Football, Girl’s Football 
  • Autumn 2: KS1- Athletics, Jumping Clay. KS2- Family Cooking, Basketball, Gymnastics, Circus Skills, Coding and Game Design. 
  • Spring 1: KS1- Family pottery, Basketball, Mini-Trampolining, Performing Arts. KS2- Science Club, Athletics, Basketball, Dance 
  • Spring 2: KS1- Science Club, Football, Cheer Dance. KS2- Street Dance, Pottery, Arts and Crafts, Hockey, Cross Country, Football 
  • Summer 1: KS1- Multi-Sports, Arts and Crafts, Street Dance, Football KS2- Cricket, Dance Club, Football 
  • Summer 2: KS1- Karate, Multi-Sports, Football, Disney Dance. KS2- Robotics, Arts and Crafts, Netball, Football 

Lunch Clubs: KS1- Pupil-led Art Clubs, KS2- Chess Club, Mini-Leaders 


 ** You can request a printed copy of any of the above free of charge. **

Contact Details


Walton Holymoorside Primary and Nursery School, Holymoor Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield, S42 7DU

Tel: 01246 566502

Email: WHPAdmin@learnerstrust.org

For all enquiries please contact Mrs Critchley or Mrs Davies using the contact details above.

If you wish to contact our Headteacher, Ian Holmes, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to contact our SENDCo, Mr Macnamara, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to make a complaint please contact the school office in the first instance.

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