Holme Hall Primary School

Taddington Road, Chesterfield, S40 4RL

        Tel: 01246 237075

Email: HHPInfo@learnerstrust.org

Holme Hall Primary School is a warm and friendly place where expectations are high. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to be the best that they can be and we endeavour to meet the needs of all.

Our staff team is dedicated, hardworking and experienced, and we are committed to providing the best opportunities for all of our children. We offer a positive climate where children are taught well and develop their skills so that they become confident, independent learners.

The role that parents play in their child’s education is vital and we value the many ways that they engage with the school. We are committed to working alongside our children, their families, our School Champions and community partners, to achieve the very best outcomes for all.

Our aim is that by the time our Year 6 children transfer to secondary school they will be happy, confident, compassionate young people who are proud of their achievements and who have developed a desire for learning and the skills with which to succeed.

I hope that you find our website helpful and informative. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or, if you are a prospective parent, to arrange a visit to see our school in action – we welcome visitors to the school with open arms.

We look forward to meeting you.

Jackie Littlechilds


About Us

Holme Hall Primary School Ethos and Values

Working together, aiming high. 


At Holme Hall Primary School, we offer a safe, and nurturing environment in which our children aim high, enjoy their learning and work hard together to achieve success. We care deeply for each other and encourage kindness and respect towards one another so that everyone in the school feels happy and valued at all times.

Collaboration is central to our ethos and we have worked together as a whole school community to agree three key elements which can be seen in every aspect of our school curriculum. Our work with stakeholders provided us with a useful starting point from which to then formulate our vision and six core values which underpin everything we do; this encapsulates our ‘why’ here at Holme Hall.

These three key ideas, Ambition, Community and Equality, along with the following core values, drive our work, inform our thinking and give shape to our curriculum:


We aim to provide the very best education for our children so that they develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful, caring citizens of the world. We want them to aim high and know that anything is possible if they work hard and do their best.  The work is challenging and expectations are high but we support every child so that they are successful in their work. We provide an ambitious curriculum, rich in cultural capital, which ensures that the children in our community are equipped with the knowledge, aspiration, experience, self-belief and skill-set necessary to reach their potential and see the world as accessible to them.


We provide a safe and supportive environment which allows the children to take risks in their learning, believe in themselves as independent learners and know that it’s ok to make mistakes; that making mistakes helps us learn. We believe that each of our children is capable of achieving what they want to achieve and we want them to believe that too. We aim to give our children the courage to stand up for what they believe in and the confidence and skills they need to articulate their ideas and express their views so that they can challenge injustice and make a difference.


We work together as a staff team to provide the very best education for the children of Holme Hall. We work closely with parents and members of the community and all stakeholders have a say in the way we do things at school. We offer opportunities for children to work collaboratively and we encourage them to support each other in their learning as well as in their friendships. As a staff team we model collaboration and we involve the children in decision making when developing and improving systems in school. We invite children to apply for roles within school which will allow them to work in partnership each other as well as with members of the staff team, support other children within school and take responsibility in different areas of learning.


Ours is a curriculum full of interest, which inspires and stimulates the children so that they want to know more. We want them to enjoy their time at school and to love their learning so that they are motivated to succeed. We offer a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities designed to motivate and inspire our learners. Our topics are knowledge-rich but also include many opportunities for real-life experience that will enhance learning and inspire curiosity. Our hooks for learning and authentic outcomes provides clear context and this encourages the children to invest in their learning. Working towards outcomes such as exhibitions and presentations, the children enjoy producing work that is of a high standard as they know it will be valued by a wider audience. We work hard and play hard too because we know that by providing a positive environment where joy and happiness is valued, children will love their time at school and enjoy developing the skills necessary to become deep thinking, confident young learners with a thirst for knowledge and an open mind.


We provide a loving and caring environment, in which our children understand the importance of relationships. We nurture and support our children in their friendships, and insist that they choose kindness every time. Compassion is taught through our curriculum and through learning about the challenges faced by some people in the world, our children are encouraged to develop a sense of empathy through an understanding of injustice and disadvantage. As well as insisting on kindness to others, we remind the children to be kind to themselves as well, encouraging reflection and self-care in a bid to promote emotional wellbeing.


We foster in our children a deep respect for others. At Holme Hall everyone has the right to feel respected and valued and we work hard to instil in children the importance of good manners and conduct. Respect is central to our Star Learners’ Code and it is through this system that we teach our children this core value. We promote an ethos of respect and empathy where diversity is recognised, valued and embraced, both within school and the wider world. We make sure that the resources we use and the content we teach is inclusive and representative of marginalised groups so that our children will understand, respect and celebrate the diversity of wider society. Representation matters in terms of inclusion and equality and we have an important role to play in the way children see themselves and others in society.

Our Visions and Values

Headteacher: Ms J Littlechilds

Trust Business Manager: Mrs K Barnes

Assistant Business Manager: Ms H Crawford

SENCO: Miss H Hinitt


Ms J Littlechilds (DSL)

Mrs T Hawkins (DSL)

Mrs S Cowley (Deputy DSL)

Phase Leaders

Mrs S Cowley (EYFS/KS1)

Mrs L O’Donnell (KS2)


Miss H Hinitt

Miss N Chappell

Mrs S Cowley

Mrs S De Bres

Miss H Smith

Mr T Jones

Teaching Assistants

Mrs C Lawson

Mrs C Taylor

Miss J Barker

Miss R Marsden

Mrs H Fowler

Miss V Stones

Mrs P Brookes

Bro L Clark


Mrs C Taylor

Miss R Marsden

Mrs M Mendez

Mrs E Aleshina

Holme from Home Breakfast/After-School Club

Ms H Crawford

Miss R Marsden


Mr J Conchi

Trust Partner: Lisa Bird

Headteacher: Jacqueline Littlechilds

Chair: Alison Kaushik



Helen Fowler

Kourtney Yates

Sam Cowley

Laura Tompson


Linked Trustees:

Matt Freeston

Darren Tidmarsh

Leanne Noone

Marie-Claire Bretherton

Ross Griffin


In the absence of the Chair, the school’s Trust Partner will act as temporary Chair. This instrument of organisation came into effect 18th October 2023

You can view documents relating to our School Champions here

School Information

You can find our latest newsletter at the top of this page and digital copies of our previous newsletters are available here.

INSET days and dates for your diary are available in our latest newsletter embedded at the top of this page.

Term Dates

Holme Hall Primary School is part of the Learners’ Trust MAT. We continue to follow the Derbyshire Admissions Policy and Guidelines. Please contact the local authority to find out about our admissions arrangements.

Derbyshire Council Admissions Page


Information Booklets

Please contact the school office if you’d like to arrange a visit. 

Our gates open at 8:45am each morning and children are welcomed at their classroom doors from that time, by their class teacher or TA.

Children engage in early work until 8:55am when the school day starts with the attendance register.

Morning break is 10:40am until 10:55am for all children; Reception and KS1 children are provided with a healthy snack. Lunchtime runs from 12:00pm until 1:10 pm for our KS1 and 12:10pm until 1:10pm for KS2.

There is an afternoon break for all children, which takes place between 2:15pm and 2:25pm.

The school day ends at 3:25pm for our KS1 children and 3:30pm for KS2.

We offer wraparound care at our very own Holme from Home breakfast and after-school club, which is available from 7.45am until 5:50pm each day. Please contact the school office for further details.

Our commitment to Safeguarding


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All Staff are employed subject to a DBS check and undergo Safeguarding training prior to starting their role. There is annual Safeguarding training for all staff.

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm – safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment – and that we all feel safe in our environment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Safeguarding section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s welfare, they will discuss this with one of the DSLs as soon as possible, staff will record their concern, and any observations or conversations heard using our secure online system CPOMS. The concern will also be reported to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day.

If a member of staff has concerns which relate to the actions or behaviour of another member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then this will be reported to one of the DSLs or Headteacher in confidence. If the concern relates to the headteacher this will be reported to the Trust. Concerns regarding members of staff may be reported to the LADO

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our school please talk to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead s (DSLs) shared below.

As a result of internal audit and DfE recommendations, the school has directly adopted the LA Safeguarding policy and any school specific information is contained within the safeguarding poster below.

Safeguarding Policies and Documents.

Holme Hall Primary School are proud to have received funding from the national Lottery to provide exciting opportunities for young people in our community. The selection of out of school clubs and holiday camps will provide a safe space for young people away from school time. The project will enable young people to take part in a variety of enriching activities, improving their life skills and with transferrable links to future careers. The project will also encourage young people to take part in physical activities outside school and a range of creative arts clubs, helping promote good health and wellbeing.

School Curriculum and Standards

At Holme Hall Primary School, we offer a positive climate where children learn through a knowledge-engaged curriculum, designed to develop the whole child and teach powerful knowledge. Through our curriculum, we aim to help our children reach their potential and prepare them for success in the next stage of their education and their future as responsible, confident and caring citizens of the world. We aim to raise aspiration, encourage a sense of pride in achievement and provide context and a purpose for learning, so that children develop the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for future success.

Phonics: Little Wandle


Reading at Holme Hall

Over the past three years, we’ve worked really hard to raise the profile of reading so that it is at the heart of our curriculum. We’ve introduced Book Group and held a number of whole school reading events including Books on Blankets, Big Book Swap and a highly successful sponsored read which raised money for the purchase of new books for our school library. Our Junior Librarians are in charge of organising our library, assisting other children in their search for books and promoting various authors and genres in order to spread their love of books and reading. Last summer, with the help of a number of volunteers, we worked hard to revamp our library and create a really beautiful space for our children.

You can find more information about our reading policies here.


Maths at Holme Hall

At Holme Hall Primary School, we use Power Maths, a curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement, and nurture confidence in maths. It is built around a child-centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mind-set approach to maths and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. The philosophy behind Power Maths is that being successful in maths is not just about rote-learning procedures and methods, but is instead about problem solving, thinking and discussing. Power Maths includes practice questions to help children develop fluent recall and develop their conceptual understanding and uses growth mind-set characters to prompt, encourage and question children. They pose problems, engage reasoning, secure understanding and deepen learning for all. 

You can find more information about our maths policy here. 

You can view and download all documents regarding our curriculum here.

We are proud to offer an amazing opportunity that will bring fitness classes directly to your home, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund.

At the click of a button you will have access to a wide variety of fun exercise workouts, suitable for the whole family and for all abilities. Whether you’re at school, in your living room or at the local park this is a great and inclusive way to be active together.

Simply click on this link and enter the password “pk” to access the brilliant range of activities.

LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND LOGO - Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

Holme Hall Primary School makes effective use of the Pupil Premium funding: it is being spent in a variety of ways to contribute to ensuring that pupils enjoy a wide variety of life experiences and receive the best possible teaching to ensure that they achieve their full potential.  We use a proportion of the grant on staffing, to ensure that, where possible, class size is kept small and split groups are avoided. A proportion of the grant has been used to introduce a Forest Schools programme and employ a Forest Schools teacher.  Intervention sessions, led by teachers and trained teaching assistants, have been implemented to accelerate progress for pupils who are at risk of falling behind.  Fundamentally, priority is given to pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding and to other vulnerable children.  Regular training opportunities and further resources have been purchased to continue running these interventions.

Pupil Premium Documents

Our school’s latest progress and attainment figures can be found on the Department for Education’s website. 

Please note: The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


Contact Details


Holme Hall Primary School
Taddington Road
S40 4RL

Tel: 01246 237075

Email: HHPInfo@learnerstrust.org

For all enquiries please contact Ms Crawford using the contact details above.

If you wish to contact our Headteacher, Ms Littlechilds, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to contact our SENCo, Miss H Hinett, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to make a complaint please contact the school office in the first instance.

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