High Greave Infants

High Greave Road, East Herringthorpe, Rotherham, S65 3LZ

        Tel: 01709 850201 (Option 2)

Email: HGInfants@learnerstrust.org

A very warm welcome to High Greave Infant School.

At High Greave Infant School, our staff team strive to empower all the learners in our care. We provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment in which pupils can thrive emotionally, socially and academically. Through offering consistency and stability, we build self-esteem and create confident, resilient learners.  We believe that the education of a child is a partnership, and we work closely with families and carers, building strong and trusting relationships. Everything we do has every child as an individual at its heart.

We encourage you to visit our school to experience for yourself the environment we provide for our learners. Please contact the school office for further information.

We look forward to welcoming you.

About Us

At High Greave Infant School, our staff team strive to empower all the learners in our care. We provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment in which pupils can thrive emotionally, socially and academically. Through offering consistency and stability, we build self-esteem and create confident, resilient learners.  We believe that the education of a child is a partnership, and we work closely with families and carers, building strong and trusting relationships. Everything we do has every child as an individual at its heart.


Our identified curriculum drivers have been developed as a whole staff to give pupils the necessary skills which prepare them for their place in the world. They are woven throughout our curriculum :

  1. Be articulate – improve speech and language development by ensuring there are opportunities to communicate and have access and exposure to a wide range of language and vocabulary.
  2. Be aspirational – provide knowledge, skills and experiences which enable pupils to see opportunities beyond their local community and empower them to reach for the stars!
  3. Build positive relationships – develop the necessary skills which will enable them to make and maintain safe and healthy relationships both now and in the future.
  4. Be respectful – be able to interact with others positively showing care, politeness, kindness, developing tolerance and acceptance of the people around them.

The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s core values – our LEARNER Code. Children begin learning the key elements of being a good LEARNER as they start school in Nursery. This is consistently promoted and celebrated as pupils improve their skills and move through our school.

Our curriculum gives pupils the knowledge and skills needed to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage in life. Appropriate and stimulating themes are used to excite our children, encouraging a thirst for learning and to become inquisitive and knowledgeable about the world they live in. The curriculum in both EYFS and KS1 provides children with a wide variety of experiences on which to build their knowledge and skills. Through different themes, hooks, experiences and carefully planned learning, children will explore and learn about the world around them. Our curriculum also provides our learners with the knowledge and understanding needed to make informed lifestyle choices in the future.

Speech, language and communication development is a key feature of provision across our school to ensure children become confident communicators. This driver is woven throughout the curriculum across our school to provide children with opportunities to acquire a range of new and challenging vocabulary and

develop the skills to use this appropriately. We set high expectations of the language and vocabulary our pupils are exposed to and how this is modelled to them by the adults in school.

Speech Therapy is used as an intervention for pupils who require additional support, and this is supported in school by a qualified Speech Therapist.

Throughout school children have access to high quality texts to support progress in reading as well as develop a love of books and reading from an early age. This includes appropriate decodable reading books matched to phonic knowledge and access to a range of texts to support not only progress in reading, but also language and vocabulary development. Storytime and shared reading are used across school to ensure that children are exposed to age-appropriate texts and vocabulary, developing a ‘thirst’ for new vocabulary and language.

You can find all our documents regarding our visions, aims, and values here

Headteacher: Mr J Huckstepp

Deputy Head: Mrs R Taylor

Schools Business Manager: Mrs K Barnes 

Front of House: Mrs B Walker & Mrs D Holmes

Advanced Safeguarding
: Mr P Sheard 

Learning Mentor: Mrs L Smith

School Sports Lead: Mrs R Taylor



Mrs J Needham 

Miss R Russell 


Nursery Team:

TBC (Class Teacher)

Mrs J Needham (HLTA)


Reception Team:

Miss N Hart (Class Teacher)

Mrs D McCloud (Teaching


Key Stage 1 Team:

Mr P Terry (Y2 Class Teacher)

Miss O White (Y2 Class Teacher)

Mrs R Johnson (Y1 Class Teacher)

Miss R Rossiter (Teaching Assistant)

Miss A Rodgers (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Z Lines (TeachingAssistant)

Miss H Smith (Teaching Assistant)

The Champions Board at High Greave Infant School has been temporarily suspended following the procedures set out in the School Champions Handbook.

Monitoring and review on behalf of the suspended Champions Board 

  • as part of their risk management and risk mitigation duties, the Trustees may request sight of the standardised Champions slideshow presentations from the headteacher about the school and its activities at either full board or committee meetings;
  • in the event of the suspension of the School Champions Board, the headteacher will continue to produce the same number of headteacher reports as before and present them to the Trust Partner. These will then be taken forward and critiqued by their group of ‘partner Headteachers’ from within the hub region via email;
    • the expectation of the partner Headteachers is to offer challenge either in-person or over email. The relevant Trust Partner will quality assure this dialogue;
    • By exception these reports may also be considered within the relevant fortnightly Mini-headteacher’s group as an agenda item and/or at Executive Team meetings on Monday afternoons, or in 1-to-1 meetings between the Trust Partner and CEO.

Working more closely with the Executive Team and those that are responsible for governance

On an annual basis, following suspension:

  • Trustees, acting in their role as those responsible for governance across the Trust, will offer challenge and support to the Executive Team in relation to the stated school as part of their calendared meetings as they see fit;
  • re-consideration of any of the above relevant stages is prioritised by those who have contact at a local level (Trust Partner, Headteacher etc.) to seek any possible way forward to re-start the Champions Board at either a stand-alone or Executive (in conjunction with another local Trust school) basis.

School Information

High Greave Infant School is part of the Learners’ Trust MAT. We continue to follow the RMBC Admissions Policy and Guidelines. Please contact the local authority to find out about our admissions arrangements.

Reception, Y1 & Y2
  • School opens at 8.45am and ends at 3:15pm (32.5 hours per week)


  • Morning sessions – 8.45am to 11.45am (15 hours per week)
  • Afternoon sessions – 12.15pm to 3.15pm (15 hours per week)
Breakfast club
  • Opens at 8am for pupils in Nursery through to Y6 – pupils need to arrive between 8am and 8.15am.
Our commitment to Safeguarding


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All Staff are employed subject to a DBS check and undergo Safeguarding training prior to starting their role. There is annual Safeguarding training for all staff.

Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm – safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment – and that we all feel safe in our environment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Safeguarding section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s welfare, they will record their concern, and any observations or conversation heard using our secure online system CPOMS. The concern will also be reported to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day.

If a member of staff has concerns which relate to the actions or behaviour of another member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then this will be reported to one of the DSLs or Headteacher in confidence. If the concern relates to the headteacher this will be reported to the Trust. Concerns regarding members of staff may be reported to the LADO.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our school please talk to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead s (DSLs) shared below.

As a result of internal audit and DfE recommendations, the school has directly adopted the LA Safeguarding policy and any school specific information is contained within the safeguarding poster below.

Safeguarding Policies and Documents.

School Curriculum and Standards

Phonics & Reading Schemes in Operation in Key Stage 1: Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised

Parents can find out more about our school curriculum by contacting the school office.

You can view and download all documents regarding our curriculum here.

We are proud to offer an amazing opportunity that will bring fitness classes directly to your home, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund.

At the click of a button you will have access to a wide variety of fun exercise workouts, suitable for the whole family and for all abilities. Whether you’re at school, in your living room or at the local park this is a great and inclusive way to be active together.

Simply click on this link and enter the password “pk” to access the brilliant range of activities.

LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND LOGO - Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

Our school’s latest progress and attainment figures can be found on the Department for Education’s website. 


 ** You can request a printed copy of any of the above free of charge. **

Contact Details


High Greave Infant School
High Greave Road
East Herringthorpe
S65 3LZ

Tel: 01709 850201  (Option 2)

Email: HGInfants@learnerstrust.org

For all enquiries please contact Mrs Walker or Mrs Holmes using the contact details above.

If you wish to contact our Headteacher, Mr Huckstepp, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to contact our SENCo, Mr Athey, please contact the school office using the number provided above.

If you wish to make a complaint please contact the school office in the first instance.rs 

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