Encounters with Employers
Encounters with Experiences of Workplaces
Encounters with Further and Higher Eduction
Supported Insight Scheme
Project Search – Gullivers Kingdom
Project Search – Chesterfield Royal Hospital
Project Search – Amazon Supported Internship Programme
Bolsover Woodlands Enterprise
Compass Careers Benchmark Tool
Careers Impact Report 2023 – 2024
Derbyshire Local Offer
Information for young people & children with SEND, families and professionals. Find out more information here.
Community Connectors
Community Connectors is service designed for adults of any age and young people from the age of 14 years with a learning disability and/or who are autistic. It is not a training provider, but by working with young people to build confidence, social networking, functional skills and independence skills during the 12-week program, Community Connectors can also help young people find the right course/college or activity to meet a young person’s needs. The Community Connector may visit your school and meet with staff or parents. Please see attached leaflet.
Community Connectors
Aims & Vision of Careers Education at Ashgate Croft School
Careers at Ashgate Croft is defined as ‘Any activity which furthers the knowledge, understanding, skill or experience with the purpose of leading to life enhancing outcome, including improving the possibility & probability of working in a range of settings.’
We aim to ensure a high quality of vocational and careers education for all our students, to be delivered in a meaningful and appropriate way for their needs and circumstances.
Through person centred planning with the Education, Health & Care (EHCP) plans at the centre, we support all our students to articulate their aspirations for adult life, including community inclusion, independence, their aspiration to work and promoting their physical and mental health. This also includes adults around our students, knowing the individual and their needs.
Our school vision is for all our students to become as independent as they can be and to be prepared for adulthood. We aim to give them every opportunity to reach their full potential whether that is to continue in further education, employment, or independent living.
The Impact of Schools Careers Programme
The careers lead in school updates the Compass Pass assessment tool 3 times a year to assess progress within the Gatsby Benchmarks. This information can be found on our website under ‘Compass Careers Benchmark Tool’. We also complete an impact report during each summer term, which can be found under the ‘Careers policies and documentation’ on the website.
Parent/Carer Involvement
We work in partnership with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that students are supported holistically in their development. We do this by the use of newsletters, parent/carer evenings, coffee mornings, school website, and whole school events, we share information about open days and careers fairs to help inform the decision-making process.
We inform parent/carers of opportunities which will enrich, enhance and add to the curriculum offered at Ashgate Croft, including open days, activities and events. We remind our parents/carers that with the right support, many young people with SEND can find paid work and be supported to live independently and participate in leading a full and active role in their community.
- Ashgate Croft School Careers lead and work experience co-ordinator – Richard Windle – acsrwindle@learnerstrust.org
- Member of Leadership Team responsible for Careers – Georgia Middlebrook (Assistant Head – Upper School) – acsgmiddlebrook@learnerstrust.org
- Ashgate Croft independent careers adviser – Karen Flint (DEBP)
Whats Next? SEND Event
On Thursday 9th February 2023 over 50 Ashgate Croft pupils attended the ‘Whats Next’ SEND Event which was held at Chesterfield Rugby Club. The event was open to the young people who are preparing for adulthood and their parents/carers, from Ashgate Croft, Stubbin Wood and Alfreton Park Schools Families were able to find out about options for the future, the pathways available and talk to people about planning the next steps.
Following the success and impact of the day on young people and their families, plans are in place for next year’s event to be held in Feb 2024. Information will be provided in due course.
Careers Impact Report
Careers Fair Flyer
Supported Insight Scheme
Over the last 2 years, 9 of our Post-16 students have gained valuable employability skills and work experience as part of the ‘Supported Insight Scheme’ in partnership with DEBP (https://www.debp.org/. Students have completed work experience projects with the Bolsover Partnership group and at Henry Boot construction. 3 SIS students applied and interviewed for the ‘Project SEARCH’ supported Internship programme at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, a further 2 students who heard about the scheme from their peers also interviewed and applied for ‘Project SEARCH.’ All 5 students who applied were successful in the interview process and will commence their internship at Chesterfield Royal in September 2023.
SIS Impact Report
Year 9, 10 and Year 11 Information Evening
On the 7th December 2022 Richard Windle (Head of Careers Education) and David Shephard (Independent Careers Advisor) hosted an information evening at school for parents & carers of Y9, Y10 & Y11 parent/carers. The evening informed parents/ carers of the pathways and choices for their child when transitioning into Post-16 education and was an opportunity to answer any questions that families may have around the transition.
Following the success of the evening, this year’s event is scheduled to take place January/February 2024. Further information and how to attend will be circulated to parents/carers in due course
Year 12 and Year 13 Information Evening
On Monday 25th March 2024 Richard Windle (Head of Careers Education) will host an information evening at school for parents & carers of Y12 & Y13 pupils. The evening will aim to inform parents & carers of the pathways and choices for their child when transitioning to adulthood and life after school. The event will also outline the other external professionals who can offer support to your child when moving into adulthood.
Further information and how to attend will be circulated to parents/carers in early March 2024